Vilma Registry Explorer 1.6
Free   1.3 MB

Vilma Registry Explorer 1.6

Free Explores and edit the Windows registry with plenty of help in the process
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1.6.2 See all
Vilma Software
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4
Free   1.3 MB

Vilma software presents the Registry Explorer, its standard tool for registry edition. There are many options in the market for this kind of tasks on your system but no that many that are free of charge. If you want a solution and don’t want to spend money on it this could be a good application for you.
Basically, what you can do with Vilma Registry Explorer is to explore – as obvious as it sounds – and edit the registry in your operating system. This is a kind of serious task since you can damage really bad the system if you do it in the wrong way. In a simplified interface, consisting in only one main window where you find all needed tools you go through a pretty straightforward two-step process: first, you use the searching tools to locate the correct values on the registry. Once you’ve located the values you want to see or edit, you proceed to the modification of them.
So what happen if you make a mistake and things turn out wrong and your system start to work badly? No problem, because of this kind of situations is what Vilma Registry Explorer creates automatically a backup copy of your registry before you change it. Thanks to this feature, all you’ll need to do in the case that things go wrong is to restore the backup copy and things will go back to normal.
A good fact over the Windows Registry Editor is that Vilma Registry Explorer provides you with plenty of help along the process. Not only about how to use the software but about the registry itself, what it is, how it works and so on. A good idea would be to take a look to that help if you are not an expert on the issue.
This free tool will run on systems based on Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. And the system requirements are really low:
Size of setup file: 637 KB
System requirements: 16 MB RAM P166

JM Senior editor
Juan Morán
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Much help available
  • Freeware license
  • Low resources needed


  • Only English version available
  • Few differences with Windows Registry Editor
  • Vista not supported


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